The Dork Forest

TDF EP 67 – LIVE with Chris Hardwick, Mike Palascak and Dana Gould



We are at in the Theater and we’re talking Harry Potter. It’s the best ever. , and does a set. I am having a great time. I hope you enjoy this as much as I obviously did.   Credits: Recorded Live by Audio leveling by Music is by . Website design by : who has his OWN .   The websites are and  . Apps are available for the ,and . Review the show on iTunes and feel free to e me. Recorded Live by Recorded Live by   – well, they are ridiculous and awesome He did mean Hermione I tell the Kinkos story… 2nd time? I can’t remember now. We discuss Randy Braun at length! Friend of Andy's and TDF! Reading Suggestions   SET by Dana Gould. Fantastico.