The Dork Forest

TDF EP 79 – Ryan Stout #Acme20



is a great comic. We dork out hard core about stand up. We ARE at Acme Comedy Company’s 20th Anniversary in Minneapolis. It’s another installment of talk to as many of the 20 comics celebrating that weekend to find out what they all dork out about. This one? Comedy. Enjoy.     Credits: Audio leveling by Music is by . Website design by : who has his own   Apps are available with bonus content: or My websites are and  . Review the show on Feel free to e me.   Cross Pollination Advertising: A really cool website is – reviews of every kind of thing ever discussed on TDF.   NOTES: – arg! MUSIC on the website opening! Boo! TJ Markwalter – is Ryan’s Personal Appearance agent. – arg! MUSIC on the website opening! Boo! - arg! MUSIC on the website opening! Boo! – He’s RIGHT. That’s not him on facebook.