Bumping Uglies

The One With the VDay Ideas



Episode 45: Can you believe February is nearly half gone?? This year is flying by faster than any before for us. In this year we are hoping to be more present and thoughtful with our lives and loved ones so we decided to bring you some sweet ideas for Valentine's Day that won't break the bank and aren't over the top. We found a few things that will let someone know you care without making a spectacle of the day. If you're into that or your partner wants that it's cool, but just in case you are looking for something different this year we are here for you. Ashley of course couldn't resist playing devil's advocate and finding some bad gift ideas and telling us some stories where good intentions just didn't pan out.  P.S.- Tell us an interesting Valentine's date you went on or a fun gift you've received. DM us on any social platform, tweet us, or email us.  Thanks for Listening,  Rach and Ash