Bumping Uglies

The One About the Hen Party



Episode 50: Can you believe we've chatted this many times already?? Me neither! But anyway hello there and happy April. We missed last week because sometimes life doesn't go quite as smoothly as you've planned, but we're here now and we are sharing with you all the things about bachelorette and bachelor parties! This week we've got statistics about what goes down during these risque parties, who is lying, and who doesn't want to know; along with some suggestions to freshen up your party, some alternative party options, and of course some stories of some crazy things that have happened at these types of parties.  P.S.- Tell us your crazy story! And if you've been around for a while don't forget to leave us a review! P.P.S- Summer is nearly here and we will be switching to two full episodes and two mini episodes monthly! Thanks for Listening, Rach and Ash