Una and Andrea's United Ireland

BYLINE: Sarah Schulman



Sarah Schulman is one of the most influential and important queer writers and thinkers in the world. Writing and creating across multiple forms, from novels to non-fiction books, plays to screenwriting, her clarity of thought and depth of research illuminates both the causes and the effects of the often under-interrogated systems that influence our lives, from familial homophobia to urban gentrification. Her latest book, Let The Record Show: A Political History of ACT UP New York 1987-1993, is a huge piece of work and an essential piece of documentary, memoir, oral history, and journalism that examines the incredible successes of ACT UP during the height of the AIDS crisis in New York. The book has been lauded in the New Yorker, the London Review of Books, and the New York Times has called it "a masterpiece". In this episode, we talk about her career, her new book, and what the pandemic revealed about the future of cities.