Grattan Institute

How to reduce emissions in Australia's industrial sector



Australia faces the great challenge of climate change. If we keep going the way we are going, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has warned the earth is likely to see a 1.5C increase in temperature by 2030, resulting in increased catastrophic weather events such as drought, fire and flood. These warnings call for urgent change. In 2020, the industrial sector was responsible for 31% of Australia's emissions. And our emissions in the sector have only increased over the past fifteen years. But how can we reduce carbon emissions in the industrial sector while maintaining jobs and the economy? Listen to Tony Wood, Program Director, Energy and Climate Change, Alison Reeve, Deputy Program Director, and Kat Clay, Head of Digital Communications in conversation about their new report, Towards Net Zero: Practical policies to reduce industrial emissions. Read the report online: