The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

425: Leaders Sensing Versus Managers Knowing



Marcel Danne, an Executive Coach whom I have never met or talked to, recently put up an idea on social media about how managers have a different perspective to leaders.  He contrasted how a manager’s priority is “know, feel and sense” while the leaders priority is “sense, feel and know”.  This is esoteric stuff at first blush, but it is a useful insight.  I was thinking about myself when I was a manager.    For some inexplicable reason I thought I knew what to do.  I was fully confident in my own ability and my feeling was that I had the answers and the clarity to know what we should be doing.  I had the get up and go to execute on my plan, keeping my head down and relentlessly bulldozering forward. The effort was centralised in me as the person accountable for the results. If I want your opinion, “then I will give it to you”, type of thing.  I wonder if other leaders can recognise themselves anywhere here?   Why are we so confident about our ideas and opinions and so uninterested in what anyone else thinks?