Allan Morrow - Embrace

AM Studios - 28 x Sylenth1 Trance Pads - ***OUT NOW***



Grab your copy here - Welcome to the AM Studios Sylenth1 Trance Pads Bank! Have you been looking for the perfect Sylenth1 Trance Soundbank for just pad sounds? Having a soundbank full of one particular sound can really save you time, as switching from bank to bank can make you lose your creativity and workflow! In this bank, you will find 28 x HUGE presets ready to put into your tracks, tweak until your heart is content, or give you inspiration for creating your own pad sounds. Why not use the presets as a learning opportunity? Studying them and reverse engineering them will help you understand what each parameter does. You could even use these presets to build a full track around if you are inspired by some of the sounds! What does the Sylenth1 Trance Pads Soundbank include? 28 x Huge Sylenth1 Trance Pad Presets. I have included all the different types of pads I use in my tracks as per below: 6 x Gate Trance Pads