Break Free From Corporate Podcast With Gavin Sequeira

Gavin Sequeira interviews Daniel Phillips - IT Professional Turned Historian and Ghost Tour Operator



In this podcast, Daniel shares his story of how he faced a tough choice of staying in a corporate IT job that would compromise his integrity with the direction the business was heading. After deciding this was not the path for him, he made a conscious effort to pursuing something that he was more passionate about, even though at that stage he couldn’t see any way of making money from it. At the time, Daniel had been doing a lot of work researching local history and speaking to relatives of people from nearby towns and documenting their journeys and achievements and recording them on devices that would play next to statues in parks, or graves in cemeteries. This soon this became a full-time effort to get these stories out to the general public. As his reputation grew, Daniel attracted media attention and gained a lot of traction through schools wanting to take their students on history tours. This expanded over time to people from all walks of life wanting to learn more. Fast forward to today and Daniel is the