Hidden Tracks: Stories From Bart

A new strategy helps BART to reduce delays in the Transbay Tube



BART is using a new strategy to reduce delays through the Transbay Tube. During peak commute hours BART is now deploying mainline technicians at both ends of the Tube at our West Oakland and Embarcadero stations. These highly-trained technical experts spend the commute riding dozens of trains through the Tube. That allows them to respond much more quickly to mechanical issues that can stop a train in a critical choke point for the entire system. In the latest edition of our podcast series “Hidden Tracks: Stories from BART” we learn more about this new strategy and how it’s already making a difference. We also hear from one of the mainline techs who is using his nearly 28 years of experience with BART to keep the trains moving. You can read the transcript here: https://www.bart.gov/news/articles/2017/news20170406