Seat Time : The Online Show For The Offroad Enthusiast

21.4 | Porsha Murdock | For The Fun Times With Friends



We’re beyond stoked to introduce our newest “Why I Ride” merchandise design, which is inspired by Porsha Murdock’s story about the reason she loves to ride — “When I was in school, I thought I was going to become a physical therapist, not be racing bikes in Italy. It’s wild to think about.”For Porsha Murdock, the sport of mountain biking came later in life. “I learned to ride in 2012,” she recalls. “Having grown up in California, you would think I would’ve done something like mountain biking, but I didn’t.” Instead, she played soccer as a kid and tennis as a teen. After high school, she met her future husband, Dylan Murdock, who was in California for school and offroad dirt bike racing. It wasn’t until after she met Dylan that Porsha discovered mountain biking. Read Porsha’s entire WIR story at for the Fun Times With Friends at for tuning in. Please share with your riding buddies or leave a review on whatever platform you’re using to consume your podcasts.Enhanc