1mflourish's Podcast

Hotel Conversions to Senior Living & Staff Culture - Miri Hadas Koller, BSc, MBA



It's all about vibrancy, engagement, activities in stimulation and, further development, whether it's an online class or any skill set they want to acquire. If you're blessed enough to to live in an independent living community that provides it's a perfect fit.I find these days that the majority of retirement homes are very good homes with very good operators. I think there are very, very few which are not up to standard. I think if you go into a retirement home and you feel a good vibe and you see smiling people around you, you can feel totally comfortable that you will be happy there.I heard a lot of seniors say they didn't expect to make new friends at 85, but they do. They meet people, other people who are just as lonely and want a new friend, their peers, their age group.The most beneficial thing about doing a hotel conversion to senior living is the fact that you're saving a lot on your cost and on your time, which means you can then offer better rates. If your product cost