Movies N Sh*t

Episode 42: The Meaning of the Universe



In this monumental and wholly satisfying episode, we talk for 20 straight minutes about movie ratings, movie bridges and penis representation on film before we even get to the Movies We’ve Seen (22:08) since last time, including F9, Space Jam 2: the Inferior One, and the dated and problematic West Side Story.  TV Talk (1:34:39) includes Dave, Mythic Quest, The White Lotus and more!  Entertainment News (1:47:38) centers on the passing of all-time great Richard Donner, as does this week’s Guess That Rotten Tomato Score (1:57:02).  We close out the episode with another pair of Hidden Gems (2:11:48), and send you off feeling like superheroes.  Apologies to the Tolkien Estate… we’ll be discussing the upcoming Lord of the Rings series on Prime during a future episode.