Live Lean Tv With Brad Gouthro

Get Out Of Your Own Head



So many people ask me… What’s my secret to Live Lean. How do I, even at 36 years old, consistently stay lean and healthy all year round. Guess what. There’s no secret. Be honest with yourself. If you watch my content, you know exactly what to do. So then what’s holding you back? Well if you continuosly find yourself starting and stopping your Live Lean journey, I have 4 words for you… Release the damn brakes. I’m talking about removing the self-defeating beliefs that you’re not good enough, or you don’t deserve it. Getting over the fear that your friends and family will judge and criticize your new lifestyle behaviors. And embrace the fact that, as hard as it may seem now, you will have to change your daily habits. Trust me guys, I’ve personally been there too, and I had to overcome these exact same emotional and mental blocks. But I did it, and I 100% belief that you can do it too. So decide what it is you want, believe you deserve it... And consistently take action on all the Live Lean princ