Live Lean Tv With Brad Gouthro

Recovering From A Binge, Instagram, Love Languages | #AskLiveLeanTV Ep. 048



How do you recover from training everyday? ✔ 7:04 Why you don't keep track of your fiber intake? ✔ 9:43 If I only want to build muscle on my lower body should I only be on a surplus when I train lower body? ✔ 12:15 If my macros require 70 g of protein post-workout, how do I split them? ✔ 16:35 What is your opinion on Kodiak Cakes? ✔ 18:08 What are your thoughts on Ezekiel vs wheat bread? ✔ 19:30 How to recover from a really bad binge? ✔ 22:34 Is it normal for clothes to fit tighter when you first start lifting? ✔ 25:05 How do you keep the romance as parents? ✔ 30:00 What are your celebrity crushes?