Live Lean Tv With Brad Gouthro

KILL THE QUIT | Motivational Minute Ep. 005



During your Live Lean journey, it's inevitable that this will happen along the way. You will feel like quitting. But before I get into why that is... Lets back it up for a moment. Remember when you first started your Live Lean journey? You were probably experiencing a newfound sense of excitement and hope for your future. You thought, this time, it'll be different. But as time goes on, you begin to face challenges with sticking to the plan. You hit plateaus as the weight on the scale doesn't seem to be disappearing as fast as it did in the beginning. The voices in your head begin to tell you that all your progress has stopped and you were just destined to be what you see in the mirror. But here's what sets the high achievers from the rest. Most people quit and give up because the results don't seem to be coming fast enough. But the high achievers take a different approach. They reflect. They take a deep breath and realize that this temporary set back, and yes it is TEMPORARY, is just