Live Lean Tv With Brad Gouthro

Highest Calorie Meal Of The Day, Sugar Per Day, Somotypes | #AskLiveLeanTV Ep. 057



What is your highest calorie meal of the day? ✔ 3:55 What is the best type of foods for muscle grow? How can I order Live Lean Afterburn cd's? ✔ 9:06 Any tips to get lean arms? My upper abs look puffy, what am I doing wrong? ✔ 13:17 What exercise can I do to strengthen and support the back? ✔ 16:40 How many grams of sugar should I aim per day? ✔ 20:27 How to get that glute hami separation? I want to compete ✔ 25:45 How much stock do you guys put into somatotypes? ✔ 28:10 How often do you train your abs? ✔ 29:50 Have you lost weight and gained it back? ✔ 32:32 If you only do hiit training would you still have a post workout shake? ✔ 34:45 Do you ever do steady state cardio?