Live Lean Tv With Brad Gouthro

Peanuts?! Max Carbs for Fat Loss? | #AskLiveLeanTV Ep. 069



Welcome back to our weekly Q&A show. Thx for asking these questions on our Instastory. Follow our @liveleantv Instastory and watch out for the Questions tag to participate in the next show. Question Timestamps: 1:28 Would you say Peanuts are healthy to eat on a daily basis? 4:54 When should I take my iron pills? Does it cause an insulin spike? 5:18 What are some good weighted exercises to improve posture 7:19 Do you believe in God? Attend Church? 9:44 As a general rule, would you say 100g carbs is max for fat loss? 12:46 Who watches your kids when you have to work? 15:17 Do you guys like Temecula? 16:11 For someone with a thicker lower body, what can I do to see better results faster? 18:23 Have either of you ever trained someone you thought had an eating disorder? 20:13 What should I do if following 1 of your programs but not seeing results? All is on point. 23:49 What do you think about Kombuca or LaCroix? (I still drink a ton of water too) 24:41 When in a caloric defic