Live Lean Tv With Brad Gouthro

Skin Care Regimen | Best Workout For Cellulite #AskLiveLeanTV Ep. 076



Question Timestamps: 1:26 What is your advice for helping a couch potato begin a healthy lifestyle? What can I do to encourage my husband to workout? He refuses every time. 3:32 Hey Brad, will you be writing another book? 5:23 Do I really need to count my calories? 7:09 What's your skin care regimen? 9:15 What is the best workout for cellulite? 10:18 What do you think about fat burners for the extra help on losing body fat? 11:58 How long do you normally workout for? What are some of you go to carbs after a workout? 13:04 How have you managed to stay away from MLMs? I'm always getting messages from them. 13:27 What supplements should I take if I work construction for 10 hours a day? 15:03 Thoughts on HALO ice cream? Seems to be the new healthy ice cream. 15:57 Any tips for dealing with an injury mentally? I have a stress fracture and have been out for 3 months. 17:20 What is the best thing to do when you've plateaued? 19:33 Are you currently invested in a fitness coach? Why or why not? 21:04 Hey Brad, is it b