Live Lean Tv With Brad Gouthro

How To Use Cheat Meals To Lose Weight And Boost Metabolism (6 CHEAT MEAL RULES)



On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m sharing my 6 rules on how to use cheat meals to lose weight and boost metabolism. ✔ FREE Live Lean Starter Guide: ✔ Find the best program for you - Live Lean Body Quiz: Yes, it’s time to cover the fun topic of cheat meals. If you’re wondering how cheating on your diet can help you lose fat faster, you’re going to love my 6 rules to cheat meals. But first, let’s be real. I don’t care how focused you are with your fitness goals, everyone needs to have a little fun. You are preparing yourself for failure if you are following a nutrition plan that is designed: - To be long-term, low carbohydrate nutrition plan - While in a calorie deficit - That gives you no lenience to have the occasional cheat meal Typically most people don’t last anymore than 12 weeks on a strict, zero-cheat policy. And when they do quit, they go back to their old ways, and fatten up even quicker. When it comes to Living Lean, it’s all about implementi