Live Lean Tv With Brad Gouthro

What Is Gluten And Why Is It Bad For Some People? (5 SNEAKY SOURCES OF GLUTEN)



On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m answering the following question, what is gluten and why is it bad for some people? I also share 5 sneaky sources of gluten that will surprise you. ✔ Gluten-Free Eat Clean Live Lean Cookbook System: ✔ Free 7 Day Gluten-Free Meal Plan And Recipes: ✔ Take The Live Lean Body Quiz To Find The Best Program For You: Are you avoiding gluten? Do you even know what gluten is? Are you aware that gluten is sneaking into many products you’re probably not aware of? Before I move on to the 5 sneaky sources of gluten, let me just quickly clarify what gluten is. What Is Gluten? Gluten is a protein found in most common grains such as: - Wheat - Rye - Barely When you’re making a pizza crust, the elasticity in the dough is created from the gluten. Funny side note: gluten is also the primary glue found in wallpaper paste. Are You Gluten Intolerant Or Gluten Sensitive? Research shows, that potentially up to 1/3 of hum