Member Supported Restoration Radio

S1, Flagship Show, Ep13: The Second Vatican Council



This special three hour show on Vatican II originally aired on October 20, 2012. In this month's episode of the Flagship Show, we present a 3 hour in-depth forensic investigation into the Second Vatican Council, the heresies contained within it, and the Catholic reaction to it. This show was graciously sponsored and brought to our listeners free-of-charge by Novus Ordo Watch. Some Catholics believe that the answer to all our present ills lies in the "problem of the Pope." They will even host entire conferences on such a topic, thinking that the answer to the question of the Pope is the answer to everything; This is only partly true. The event that hatched an entire line of questionable claimants to the Papacy was the Second Vatican Council. This Council has many troublesome documents, which, even more troublingly, many Catholics, even those purporting to be "Traditional," denounce but have never even read. During this special 3-hour show with His Excellency, Bishop Donald Sanborn, we will discuss 6 document