Member Supported Restoration Radio

Work of Human Hands, Episode 6: Ready for Assembly



On this month's episode of Work of Human Hands, we will be discussing the results of the groundwork that was laid out in last episode, where we discussed the idea of theological makeover of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as an assembly. With all the groundwork in place to radically re-make the liturgy, now we focus on what those re-made aspects resulted in as it relates to the externals of both the Rite of Paul VI itself, as well as the externals of art, architecture, and furnishings in the sanctuary. Have you ever walked into a Novus Ordo church and felt like you had walked into an abandoned airplane hangar? Ever had any trouble finding the tabernacle? How about stained glass windows depicting nothing? Was it missing statuary, stations of the cross, and a sanctuary lamp? These results were not the actions of "rogue bishops" as we often are told, but were specific instructions in both Sacrosanctum Concilium, the instruction Inter Oecumenici, and specific directives from the Bishops' Councils; who were becomi