Member Supported Restoration Radio

Pastoralia, Episode 9: Catholic Parenting (Part 2)



On this season's inaugural episode of "Pastoralia," we pick up where we left off last season, in the second of two episodes devoted to understanding Catholic parenting and child rearing. My, how these children have grown in just a few months! Diapers and strollers have given way to increasingly independent pre-teens and teenagers. It is on these older children that we focus in this episode, again steadying ourselves on perennial Catholic thinking, rather than the absurd and dangerous maxims of the world. We begin our discussion with the Fourth Commandment, which requires us to honor our parents, not merely to obey them. Should a child need to be corrected, we address how to reprove a child without cultivating an unhealthy fear of his parents, while keeping in mind the words of St. Paul, "Fathers, provoke not your children to indignation, lest they be discouraged" (Col. 3:21). Our conversation continues as we explore how to cultivate independence in our children, teaching them how to make their own wise dec