Member Supported Restoration Radio

S3, Clerical Conversations, Ep11: Annulments and the Catholic Order of the Household



On this month's episode of Clerical Conversations on the Crisis, we will tackle two topics that are both timely and topical. As time marches on and annulments have become almost as widespread as a pandemic, how are Catholics today to understand Novus Ordo annulments and deal with them in their daily lives amongst family & friends? What are the effects on children and how should that be dealt with? How are we as Catholics to deal with those who are in invalid marriages. What are those who are converts or who come to traditional Catholicism late in life to do about the situation of being in an invalid marriage? We will discuss what exactly an annulment is, why one would be issued, and what the general landscape looked like pre-Vatican II with regards to annulments. We will then move on to discussing the Catholic household, and in particular, instilling a Catholic order to that household. What is the hierarchy of the household, and what are the complimentary differences between men and women? How has this been