Member Supported Restoration Radio

S3, Flagship Show, Ep36: Confessions of a Novus Ordo Seminarian



**PARENTAL WARNING: Mature Audiences Only** On this episode of the the Flagship Show, join us for one of the most lengthy and in-depth programs we have ever done on the Restoration Radio Network. This show will introduce a gentleman who tried a vocation in multiple modernist seminaries of the Novus Ordo sect in the Archdiocese of Toronto, Canada in the 1980s, only to find out the evil and unspeakable reality behind them. Mr. John Thomson will explain in great detail the places, events, heresies, evil, unbelief, unnatural vices, modernism, Marxism, atheism, and scandal beyond imagine revealed by both seminary faculty and seminarians alike, while he stood in disbelief as he watched what he thought was the Roman Catholic Church demonstrate a complete abandonment of the Catholic religion before his very eyes. Mr. Thomson will guide the listener through the entire process, from discerning a vocational calling, to visiting the seminary, to being admitted and the process which that required, the hatred for anythin