Member Supported Restoration Radio

The Catholic Home, Episode 9: The Battle For Your Child's Soul (Part 2)



**PARENTAL WARNING: Parts of this episode are unsuitable for children** The devil is trying to snatch the souls of our children. He poisons their minds and hearts in any way possible, targeting them at the youngest possible age. One of his greatest instruments of corruption in our times is the entertainment industry, including TV, movies, computer games and mainstream popular music. This series focuses mainly on the film industry to aid parents in discerning good from evil in productions marketed primarily to children. Last month, guests Louise and Jacinta, totally exploded the myth about Disney productions being safe children’s fare. For today’s episode, they braved Pixar’s, “Brave,” turned “Inside Out” inside out and “knocked for a six” Disney’s,“Big Hero 6” – so none of these come out smelling like roses, either! Children’s entertainment, in general, is also discussed whilst these Mums share some invaluable insights and suggestions. Episode Notes: Children’s cartoons help usher in the return of Sodom