Complete Concussion Management

Episode 75 - Biomechanics Of Concussion



In this episode 75 of Ask Concussion Doc, Dr. Cameron Marshall goes in depth with the biomechanics of a concussion. A concussion was often described as a bruising of the brain, but a new theory suggests that it's actually a stretching or a shearing of the brain causing an ion exchange. Once the brain cells have been stretched to a significant degree, it causes the ions inside and outside the pores on the membrane of each cell to exchange with one another therefore causing an excitation of the impacted brain cells. It then leads to the brain going through what is called an action potential and is what causes people to go unconscious or "see stars". Register here for FREE concussion workshop: For previous podcast episodes, visit: CONCUSSION EDUCATION PROGRAMS: Healthcare Practitioners: Coaches/Trainers/Teachers: https://complet