Complete Concussion Management

Episode 99 - Concussions In Women with Dr. Hrkal



Prior to age 25 males seem to suffer a greater number of concussions presumably due to greater participation in contact sports, however, after age 25 and every age group after, females suffer concussion injuries in greater numbers. Even in young athletes when we look at sex comparable sports where the rules are the same for both boys and girls (i.e., basketball, soccer, rugby, etc.) we see that girls tend to suffer concussions at a rate of 1.5x that of males. Not only that, women tend to also take longer to recover. In this episode Dr. Marshall sits down with Dr. Paul Hrkal, to discuss concussions in women and everything from risk factors, to hormones, to menstrual cycles, menopause, and persistent concussion symptoms. Interested in learning more about the treatment and management of concussion? For previous podcast episodes, visit: CONCUSSION EDUCATION PROGRAMS: Healthcare Practitioners: