Red Rover

Episode 20: My So Called Teen Angst + We Love Stephen King's IT (2017)



*spoilers ahead for the general plot of IT* In this episode we wrap up our back to school segment with Katherine worrying if Jared Leto will ruin the new Blade Runner and Shomari remarking on poignant & painfully truthful portrayal of adolescence that is My So Called Life. Wait, did I get that backwards? We also talk the surprise funfest (?!?) of September - Stephen King's IT (pro tip - don't image search Tim Curry's Pennywise - there's a reason he haunted your childhood nightmares) 00:00 - 23:30 Shomari reviews his My So Called Life homework 23:30 ~ 47:00 - Kat and Shomari talk Stephen King's It 47:00 ~ end Kat's homework - watch "Don't Trust the B" S1 E1 S2 E3 S2 E7