Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP85 Hr.1 Do-ers Do To Get Stuff Done



Theme: Do-ers Do To Get Stuff Done Hour #1 Guests: - Adrianna Eschete - Chief Range Safety Officer, NRA Certified Instructor, The Well Armed Woman Certified Instructor, The Well Armed Woman Louisiana State Leader, and the Louisianna DC Project Delegate. - Kim Condon – the DC Project Delegate from Mississippi, an NRA Certified Instructor, founder and owner of Boondocks Firearms Training Academy™, located in Raymond Mississippi. And both of these ladies recently participated in The Well Armed Woman Mid-South Purple PowWow! - Chris Bird - a former British Army officer with service in the Royal Military Police and author of Surviving a Mass Killer Rampage: When Seconds Count, Police Are Still Minutes Away. Chris recently wrote an article published in the Washington Times about “How vigilant Americans can thwart aggressors and fight terrorism”