Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio Video Interview Series Vol8 EP95 - Yehuda Remer, Author of Safety On



GunFreedomRadio Video Interview Series Vol8 EP95 - Yehuda Remer, Author Safety On Yehuda Remer is the author of Safety On, An Introduction to the World of Firearms for Children. What would your child do if they found a gun somewhere it’s not supposed to be?  Do they know the cardinal rules of gun safety?  What about the proper safety measures every gun owner takes at a gun range? Do they know proper protocol? This book aims to cover all aspects as an introduction to the world of firearms for children. From Yehuda, “I grew up in an environment where guns were only seen in movies and TV, and the only people allowed to actually use a gun were police officers. The thought of an individual citizen actually owning a firearm for protection never occurred to me until I got married. People would constantly ask me after I purchased my first gun, “How can you buy a gun? You have two children in the house! Aren’t you afraid of accidents?” Those questions were answered with two simple question of my own. “Where do you