Emmaus Baptist Church Sermons

10-29-17; Joshua Week 7- Living for His Glory



God, give us the city and the nations, and do it in such a way that only you get the credit for it. -Edgewater Baptist Church, New Orleans 1. God’s Victory is Certain (vv. 1-2) “The Gospel is not good advice; it’s good news. It’s not spelled DO or DON’T, but DONE.” - JD Greer. 2. God’s Ways are Surprising -His Methods (vv. 3-16) -His Mercy (vv. 17-25) (We’ll deal with “holy war/destruction” on Nov 12 & 19) -His Messiah (v. 25 / Philippians 2:6-8) 3. God’s Glory is Expansive (vv. 26-27 / Philippians 2:9-11) ***What might God do in and through Emmaus that people would look and say, “Only He could do that”? Response 1. UP/Worship = Celebrating His Victory -Faith, Confidence, Joy, Freedom, Hope, Humility -He is the Focus of our Praise 2. IN/Discipleship = Trusting His Ways -Often a slow process -Learning to discern and obey together 3. OUT/Missions = Spreading His Glory -Are we living for God’s glory or our name/fame? -Are we living as if He’s victorious, active, and worthy?