Emmaus Baptist Church Sermons

11-26-17; Joshua Week 11- Spiritual Discernment



JOSHUA 9 Lack of Spiritual Discernment hinders the mission, but God remains Merciful, Powerful, and Faithful. Key Phrase -Joshua 9:14 “…did not ask counsel from the Lord.” Key Words -Heard (v. 1) -Cunning (v. 3) -Covenant (v. 6-7, 11, 15-16) -Delivered/Saved (v. 26) TWO NEEDS OF GOD’S PEOPLE ON MISSION 1. Need for Spiritual Discernment Areas of Primary Spiritual Discernment: + Does it add anything to God’ Word? - Does it take away from who Jesus is and what he has done? x Does it multiply the requirements for salvation? / Does it divide the Body of Christ? How to Discern: - Elders/Pastors to shepherd, feed, and lead the Church - Members discerning teaching based on Scripture (Acts 17) - Members using the Spiritual Gift of Discernment - Distinguish Heresy, False Teaching, Mistakes, and Disagreements - Evaluate the Person’s Character and Direction of Life - Discern the Discernment Ministries - Learn from Historical, Global, and Theological Voices - Determine the Origin- Inside or Outside the Church - Operat