Emmaus Baptist Church Sermons

2-25-18; One Another Week 8



1 Corinthians 14:2-25 “We exist to Proclaim and Display Jesus” Last Week: Fruit AND Gifts This Week: Proclaim (Speak) Next Two: Display (Maturity; Order) 1. The Trees - Prophecy and Tongues 1A. Priority of Edification (14:2-19) 1B. Priority of Evangelism (14:20-25) 2. The Forest - Proclaiming Jesus 2A. The Spirit empowers the Proclamation -In the Book of Acts, people are filled with the Spirit so they can speak! 2B. How can we experience this at Emmaus? -UP - speak to God in praise and prayer Private and Public Worship -IN - speak to Christians to build up One-on-One; Small Group -OUT - speak to non-Christians with clarity Invite for understanding and conviction Invest with clear, Gospel conversation Include in gatherings, groups, and life