Party For One

Ep. 1 - Meet Bailey Womack: fashion stylist, college student, and professional side hustler



Party For ONE is “Celebrating Young Artists”; those proving that success in the art industry is about much more than mere luck, but strategy, hard work, and a never-ending hustle. For the first episode of this series, Party For ONE chats with Bailey Womack, a stylist and student at the University of North Texas, in Denton studying Fashion Merchandising. The queen of side hustles, Bailey can be seen regularly styling for local photographers, model agencies, and has created her own brand, the pop up shop, Golf Fish Thrift. Her work recently even grabbed the attention of, women style magazine, Marie Claire. Clearly, Bailey Womack is successfully on her way to the career of her dreams, so we sit down to learn just how she does it, and how other young creatives can, too.