Selfiepreneur | Developing The Economy Of One

SP31: How to live a luxurious life with out being rich



I live a pretty luxurious lifestyle. It’s mine though. And, it’s a life of luxury that I feel is right for me. I don’t drive a half-million dollar car or live in a mansion. Although I work for myself, I still have to work. But, I have decided for me what happiness looks like and I pursue it daily. While I’m constantly looking to level up, my greatest luxury is living my life instead of someone else’s. So in order to feel rich without being rich, I had to look at some of my behavior and the behavior of those around me. I had to really figure out what made me feel fulfilled and enriched. I spoke with a friend of mine from Young Rich & Rooted, Bee Lewis, about how she manages her lifestyle to achieve the same results. When Bee looked around she was found that most people’s financial habits were tied to a not yet established or satisfied personal identity. With the persistent presence of social media, not so reality tv, music video, movies, she says it’s very easy to get caught up in the “Jones Effect.” Read