Coleyology Podcast With Coley (nicole Lemaster)

Coleyology with Nicole Lemster and Enrique Collazo #4 - 12:19:16, 9.45 AM



"There are ways to retrain the body, mind, heart to care about pain instead of hating it and have non attached appreciation to pleasure." - Enrique Enrique Collazo- From the deep suffering of addiction to a life dedicated to service. Enrique is now a Buddhist mediation teacher and public speaker working with youth all around the country assisting in social and emotion learning. #meditation #ChallangeDay #Volunteer #bethechange #safetogetreal #buddha #Eightfoldpath #FourNobleTruths #SocialEmotionalwork #MentalHealth #realtime #noedits #lovelifeasitis #NoahLevine #books #DharmaPunx #AgainsttheStream #EnriqueCollazo #internalwork #externalaction #healing #lifelongprocess #addiction #recovery #breakingthestigma #NicoleLemaster #akaColey #coleyologypodcast #Coleyology #knowladge #sharing #lifeisbeautiful #thisisbeautiful #beautyiseverywhere #noedits #realtime #raw #lifehasnoeditbutton