Know It Wall

The structure of human language | Vieri Samek-Lodovici



It has been suggested that all of the world's languages, from English and Italian to Mandarin and Hindi, share the same basic principles. But do they really? The linguist Vieri Samek-Lodovici explores the possibility. | Read along while listening at our Medium: ​| Narrated by Angus Waite and Vidish Athavale | Music by Jon Luc Hefferman, Sergey Cheremisinov, Kai Engel and James Joshua Otto | Vieri is a Reader in Linguistics at UCL whose research concerns the ways syntax and intonation affect each other, as well as the best way to model their complex interactions. He is the author of 'The Interaction of Focus, Giveness, and Prosody', which was recently published by Oxford University Press.