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The woman who unmasked the forger | Mary Wellesley



Art forgery has existed for centuries, but what about a 19th-century forger of medieval art whose unmasked work went on to become more valuable than originals? Mary Wellesley takes us through the detective-like story of the woman who uncovered his deception. | Read along while listening at our Medium: | Narrated by Mary Wellesley and Vidish Athavale | Music by James Joshua Otto, Kai Engel, Greg Joy and Neil Cross | Mary is a medieval culture scholar at UCL and the British Library whose current research focuses on 15th-century literary manuscripts. As a freelance writer, her work has appeared, among others, in the Times Literary Supplement, London Review of Books and Lapham’s Quarterly, where a version of 'The woman who unmasked the forger' first appeared.