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The quantum foundations of life | Johnjoe McFadden



The extraordinary complexity of life has puzzled scientists for a long time. But underneath the apparent randomness of life lies a deeply rooted order at the quantum scale. Geneticist Johnjoe McFadden takes us to the world where biology meets quantum mechanics. | Read along while listening at our Medium: | Narrated by Vidish Athavale | Music by Sergey Cheremisinov, Alasdair Cooper, Jon Luc Hefferman and James Joshua Otto | Johnjoe is Professor of Molecular Genetics at the University of Surrey. His principal research area is investigating genetics of microbes that cause infectious diseases. He is the author of 'Quantum Evolution', 'Life on the Edge: The Coming Age of Quantum Biology' (with Jim Al-Khalili), and is currently working on a book on Ockham’s razor.