Michael Manicotti

The Reality of the World Traveler Fantasy



If you look on any of these dating apps it asks "What job would you have if money didn't matter" All these gals respond "World Traveler". You don't need a lot of money to travel the world - People think you have to be rich to travel the world. Wrong. You have to decide what you value more in your life, possessions or time. There are many places in the world where it would actually cost you less to live than the United States or any first world country. There are a lot of books that have been written on this subject for example how to travel on $50 a day or whatnot. The point is that it is cheaper than you think. All the things you want to do have already been done - A majority of the world travelers I meet are just putting their own spin on an old journey. Sometimes they don't even go that far. They just put themselves in the same journey taken by so many before them. Unless you're embedded with NATO in some war torn region of the world like the Congo, then chances are what you are doing h