Michael Manicotti

Why You're Never Going to Find "The One" on a Dating App



I am a dating app veteran. I am also a real life dating veteran. But I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that dating apps, online dating whatever the hell you want to call it are hurting us. Here's why: They consume more time than it would take to have a real interaction with someone you found attractive or interesting - Nobody wants to talk to anyone. This is a result of how our social media based society has held people less accountable for being real people. Most people's lives and images online are fake, or half truthed us into believing that this person is anyone other than who they actually are. This mentality has given birth to the dating app revolution where we all want to hide behind our phone in order to meet "the one". This has made us become socially retarded in real life and no nobody knows how to act at all. Girls even tell me they are suprised when someone approaches them because that never happens, yet these same gals have explosive internet dating lives. But none of these int