Michael Manicotti

Listen to this before you drive your camper to Mexico



There has been alot of demand for my stories related to Mexico. I recorded a podcast on the things I learned about life driving to Mexico. While I talk about my journey in there, I could get more gritty and detailed about the actual trip in case people decide to do it. I don't want to discourage anyone, but I do want to let you know the facts so you can make your own determination. But before I launch off, let me leave you with this caveat so anyone who reads this who may disagree will back the fuck up. People are not going to like this article but sorry, the truth hurts. Mexico is not a safe country. Reason being, criminals are statistically rarely prosecuted for their crimes. 97% of homicides go unsolved, relative to only 26% in the United States. You can't legally carry or own a firearm to protect yourself like in the United States and if you get caught with one they will put you in prison. That being said, here we go. Most of the content on the internet about driving a camper, rv or motorhome through Mexi