Positive On Publishing Podcast

POP051: Get out of the box to market your work with John Kremer



John Kremer is an expert on book publishing and marketing. The owner of Open Horizons Publishing in Taos, New Mexico, he is the editor of the Book Marketing Tip of the Week newsletter. John is the author of a number of books on publishing and marketing, including 1001 Ways to Market Your Books, Book Marketing 411 for Authors, and Celebrate Today. He has also designed the Book Marketing Magic program and the Blog Tour Palooza program. His web sites include www.bookmarket.com, www.bookmarketingbestsellers.com, www.infographicaday.com, www.huganauthor.com, www.blogtourpalooza.com, www.askjohnkremer.com, www.myincrediblewebsite.com, and www.hottimescoolplaces.com. He is also founder of The Book Marketing Network at www.thebookmarketingnetwork.com