Positive On Publishing Podcast

POP056: Go from Unknown to Unforgettable with Ashley Crouch



In this episode, you’ll learn how to avoid the biggest publicity mistakes many authors make. Publicity expert Ashley Crouch will teach you how to shout out your message to the world --and actually be heard-- through all that noise. Reach out to Ashley's team to get her free offer (the pitch templates) at: hello@AppleseedCommunications.co The fun nuggets from the episode are as follows: #1: Know your “why” for publicity: 1) exposure, 2) demonstrating expertise/authority, and 3) positioning #2: ROI is not always measured in hard dollars and cents. Publicity is a deposit into your personal brand bank account. #3: Publicity has never been easier because of the decentralization of the media. #4: The “how” of publicity requires some advanced planning; don't wait until your book is already published to start the process. #5: Don't “spray and pray”. #6: Ask “so what?” (and make sure that you're solving the pain point of your target customer) #7: Use the power of the subconscious in your messaging and story #8: Keep a