Positive On Publishing Podcast

POP060: Create Community and Purpose with Your Book with Dr. Anna Cabeca



In this episode, you’ll learn amazing “fun nuggets” that will boost your health and longevity AND get some great tips on writing a book that can build a community to create positive change. Now that is what I call a fun legacy! My guest is Dr. Anna Cabeca, author of The Hormone Fix and the upcoming Keto Green 16. Here are the episode’s “fun nuggets” regarding health and longevity: #1: Healthy hormones are not just about estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. The master controls are 1) insulin, 2) cortisol, and 3) oxytocin. For an oxytocin hit, try the following: puppy love, kitten love (think any baby animal or snuggly baby in general) laughter, play, intimacy, dancing...the list goes on! #2: Hormones are also critical to our mental clarity (important for writing a book or any focused endeavor) #3: We are (especially women) especially neuro-endocrine vulnerable between the ages of 35 to 55. #4: Memory and mood are strongly impacted by fuel source (the options are either glucose or ketones for the brain; ha