Leading Chaos Podcast

063: Anniversaries Suck



Anniversaries suck. I'd take a "Happy Birthday" over a "Best Wishes for Your Anniversary" any day. At least with birthday's you get asked, "What are you looking forward to this year?" Unless you have those witty friends who love to tease you about another year older and deeper in debt jokes. Most importantly with birthdays you know what you are celebrating. It the day you were born. Clear, cut and clean. Anniversaries can mark both events that you relish and some events that you would rather forget, but because it was so significant the event gets immortalized with an anniversary every year. Yes, Anniversaries have that uncanny way of making your look back, often waaay back...reflecting over years gone by. I don't want to be a year-gone by gal, sitting and reflecting upon what could have been or what was. Any yogi worth their weight in gold would say, "Live in the moment". I'd be the first to agree that having a "past" is a good thing. Sheesh. If you have been around long enough to even muse upon birthdays an