I'm A House Gangster Presents The Gangstercast

Kosta | Gangstercast 82



Episode 82 of the Gangstercast series is brought to us by Kosta. 'Brought up in a classy neighborhood somewhere in Romania's communist outbacks, he developed a taste for meaningful music, playing a melange of feelings and rhythms. Assembling sets ranging from leftfield and jazzy stuff, nu disco and downtempo joints all the way to the top shelf of afro, tech and proper house business. Eclectic by choice, he finds inspiration in this array of genres, while inviting the listener to a full on musical journey. Self taught, this one's always there to get the public, though imposing the rhythm with a fine selection of music. He's pretty much gonna make you dance, either he's warming up for international elite guests in native Romania, or making you wonder what musical background does he come from with his main sets. Always tonic music wise, he's assuming the role of the entertainer, not the one who's taking you on the backroads of house music. Being one of the most active promoters in the house business for the past