Hosting Your Home - Airbnb Host Stories

HYH-26  “Airbnb Open 2016” Part 1



Join Debi Hertert of as she interviews three people at the 2016 Airbnb Open conference in Los Angeles.  For each of the past three years, Airbnb has held an annual conference called “The Airbnb Open”.  In 2014 it was in San Francisco, in 2015 it was in Paris, and this year it was in Los Angeles.  Debi has attended all three of these incredible, gala events.  Airbnb brings in big name performers, authors, designers, politicos, artists and speakers.  It is very exciting to attend these events and meet people from all over the world.  With all the bad press about Airbnb that we have to listen to, it is uplifting to participate in a giant communal experience of hosting and hear stories. This year, Airbnb came up with the concept of “Brain Dates”, where people could offer their experience on any subject, Airbnb would post that in the pre-registration info, and participants could sign up to meet one-on-one. Debi offered to interview people about their hosting experiences.  It was a great concept